Thursday, October 1, 2009

Dr. Christie's Site

google earth

I found Dr. Christi's site to be very helpful. There was a large number of different resources available for educators. I found the website easy to explore. Her introduction was very welcoming. I like how she stated that we are all co-learners. Students and adults must be willing to learn together. I strongly agree with her. We as educators must be willing to continue to learn in every aspect of education. As I was exploring the site I came across Google Earth. I was not familiar with this so I had to view the introduction site. I was amazed at this wonderful tool.

This is a great tool to incorporate into your lessons. I took a visual tour of Google Earth and how it works. I love how it brings learning alive. It makes learning fun and enjoyable. As a teacher I would definitely use this in science, history, and even math. I watched a lesson where a teacher used Google Earth to measure 3 ships between Spain & Africa at the tip of Gibraltar. The students used the ruler tool in Google Earth to measure and compare the 3 ships. How neat is that to actually locate, see, and measure the ships. Math is now much more interesting and fun. I can only image the fun a class would have using Google Earth in a science or history lesson. You can learn about geographic content, weather, or different countries in a new exciting way.

I think this is a great example of using a "head fake" as Randy Pausch would say. How wonderful it is to have this tool available to use as teachers. Learning is no longer boring pen and pencil work. Educators can use Google Earth in a variety of ways to make difficult subjects come to life. Students will still learn, but in a different way. I think the key factor is that we are incorporating technology with learning.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent reviews Kim. Good job in bring in Randy's "head fake" into your review.
