Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I loved the video. I thought that it was very creative. I loved how the children got into the song. It looked like they were having a great time! This was a great example of using a blog to share students talents. I hope other students are encouraged by this video. This leads me to my assignment for this week. Why is it important for students to post their work on blogs? I have several reasons that I have learned about this semester to why it is important to post students work on blogs.

ALEX headerThis semester was my first attempt at blogging. As the time has gone by and I have learned more about how it works, it has become very beneficial to me. The first reason that I think students should post their work on blogs is that it connects them with people like themselves. Since I am renewing my teaching certification by posting my work on my blog I am able to stay current/knowledgeable in my field of education. Through sharing my work with other educators I have gained some new information regarding teaching. Through my blog I have received great websites that can be used as teaching resources. An example of this would be my blog post on ALEX . After sharing what I learned about ALEX it is out there for all to see and use as a resource. By posting on my blogs I have learned to share my work, ask questions, locate instructions, and get resources. Through blogging I am able to stay current with events in the area of teaching. In my blog post I have also shared podcast on education topics. Again this is another example of using blog post to gain valuable information or resources.

personal learning network

Also by posting my work on my blog I am able to share what I think is important. I can share information, thoughts, or my achievements with others. I can express myself to others. A good example of this is with my Personal Learning Network. After I developed my PLN I shared it on my blog in hopes that anyone needing some information regarding teaching would find it helpful. Blogging is a wonderful way to share and receive information.

A third reason to post your work on blogs is to influence others. Another post I made was regarding Randy Pausch's The Last Lecture. I commented on his book in hopes to encourage others to live life to the fullest and to have fun while you are doing it. Life is so hectic now a days and I feel that any words on encouragement are inspiring. I felt that the purpose of Randy's book was for everyone to stop and relieve how precious life is. No matter your age, it is OK to dream. Dream and dream big! Live life to the fullest and make the most out of it. If sharing your thoughts on a blog post influences one person then it is well worth the effort. Another example of using my blog post to influence others would be my assignment for Comments 4kids. This is a great way to bring children's work to life. To encourage others to read their stories and respond. By sharing my work, hopefully I am able to encourage others to see the magic in our student's work. You can find some creative post at the following link I hope you find them inspiring and are able to give them words of encouragement!

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