Thursday, October 29, 2009
Comments4Kids #3
I commented on Jack G.'s blog post. Jack's blog post was for football fans and players. In his post he discussed different aspects of football. He explains how football is fun, but it is very challenging. Jack talks about how you have to work hard and do your best in the game. He explains what a play is. For those of you who are not familiar with football a play is where the running back goes and if he gets the ball or not. Jack finishes his blog by describing the different positions of football.
I thought Jack G. did a great job on his blog post. He went into great detail to describe the game of football. His respect for the sport shined through in his post. I commented to Jack that I loved his positive attitude. I also expressed at how great I thought it was that he talked about the challenges of the game and that you had to do your best. I told him that I admired that quality and to continue the great job he is doing! If you would like to read some of the student's blog posts you can find it at the following link Comments4Kids.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Comments4Kids #2
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Comments4Kids Project 8
Monday, October 12, 2009
My Personal Learning Network
Ms. Linda Allen the fourth person in my personal learning network. She is a teacher also and she had some new ways to incorporate technology into the classroom. Her school has the use of alphasmarts. For those of you who are not familiar with alphasmarts it is a portable word processing keyboard. Ms. Allen had this wonderful idea of using this device on a field trip. Her class took a field trip to a science museum and they took notes on what they discovered so they could write a report. The teacher can then download the information to her computer and check what they did. How cool is that? Ms. Allen it has been a great tool because it has built excitement in her students for writing.
The last person in my network is Larry Lueck. He is a fourth grade teacher in Kansas. He uses the promethium board on a daily basis with his students. The promethium board allows him to show his class how to build an electromagnet, do math problems, view crystals up close and many other things. He uses it to quiz students on a lesson he has taught to assess how they are doing. Mr. Lueck also has a class blog and has his students produce podcast. He said that his students love all the different use of technology in his classroom. They come to school eager to learn and he loves his job more!
In conclusion with my personal learning network assignment I have learned a lot of valuable information. I now see the importance and value of having a personal learning network. I am grateful for the five people in my PLN for sharing their time and ideas with me. I am eager to return to the classroom and start to integrate technology with my own students. I have learned that no matter what grade level you teach, technology in the classroom is a MUST! I am glad I have my personal learning network as I begin my journey back into the classroom, it will be a great resource tool for me.
New Medial Literacies Projects
The article was very informative. I realize how important new media literacy is and that we all need to develop new media skills to function in a world of technology. It is our responsibility as teachers to guide our students with these tools that they will need to have for their future. The article that I read can be found at the following link