Tuesday, November 3, 2009

7 Stupid Mistakes & 7 Brillant Things Teachers Do!


In this weeks blog assignment I am suppose to view two list by Doug Johnson and a list of New Classroom Rules by Education Innovation. The list consist of 7 stupid mistakes and 7 brilliant things teachers do with technology. After viewing the lists I picked two from each list that I feel are important. On the list of 7 stupid mistakes teachers make I choose not supervising computer using students and believing that ones teaching styles need not change to take full advantage of technology. I feel that as a parent and teacher these are two important valid remarks. As teachers it is our job to protect our students at all times especially while they are on the computer. Someone should always oversee a students work on the computer. S econd teachers need to realize that they need to keep current on technology. I agree with Mr. Johnson about the changing roles of both teacher and student. He stated that students need to become the content expert and the role of the teacher needs to be the process expert. He or she needs to be the one asking questions and directing the students. I feel by doing this we are making students become more responsible for their learning. Let them be the explores with the aid of the teacher and technology.

In the next list of 7 brilliant things teachers do I chose Empowering kids with technology and to make conference real time. I feel these are two very important topics. Anything that helps children to learn and builds their confidence is great. I believe that technology does that for students, it empowers them and makes learning fun. I also feel that technology helps children excel in areas that they are good at. Making conference real time is an important topic for me as a parent. As a parent I want to know what is going on with my child at all times. Teachers are now able to have this instant communication through email, websites, blogs, telephone calls, and wikis. The use of these technology tools connect parents and teachers together as partners in their child's education.

The New Classroom Rules are a variety of list that are quite different than the previous two list. To me these rules are geared more towards high school and college students. These rules incorporate more technology like laptops, mobile phones, texting, twittering, and instant messaging. I choose bring required materials, including your laptop and cell phone everyday as one of my topics. Again I feel this is for older students. In today's universities a laptop is a must. It is used in a majority of courses. Having all your material ready for class is showing that you are a responsible student. My next choice was to use polite speech when speaking, blogging, texting, twittering, and instant messaging. This is very important because students do not realize what they put out there on facebook or blogs that can one day come back to haunt them. You never really know who your audience may be so you need to be very careful with your words.

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